Beginner Latin Valentine's Day Digital Escape Room

Beginner Latin Valentine's Day Digital Escape Room
This escape room focuses on: Nominative Subject, Genitive Possession, Accusative Direct Object, Ablative Place Where, Ablative Place from Which, and Ablative Accompaniment
And: Present, Imperfect, and Future Tense of 1st and 2nd Conjugation verbs
This Valentine's Day Latin Digital Escape Room includes 6 Challenges.
Example Questions:
Translate "filius regis" (the son of the king)
Form the Latin word: "the land of friends: terra ___________" (amicorum)
Identify the possessive noun
A complete answer key is included.
How long does it take to complete the Beginner Latin Valentine's Day Escape Room?
I recommend you allow 20-30 minutes to complete the Beginner Latin Valentine's Day escape room. Teams are also encouraged since escape rooms foster student leadership and teamwork! Just like a real escape room, students will struggle to figure out how the pieces fit together-- look at the answer key, and offer as many (or as few) hints as you want :)
How do I “move around” in the 360º photo?
Click and drag the mouse to move throughout the 360 environment.
Clues involve:
Putting together jigsaw puzzles, solving crossword puzzles, answering questions, lock decoders, et cetera.
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