French Halloween Escape Room
Incorporating a digital escape room into your classroom has many benefits. Students learn to work together as a team and to push through difficult challenges. They will naturally hit walls as they do not figure everything out the first time they see it. For instance, students have to look around the 360 image to find where they input their final answers. Students learn resilience from having to try things more than once. I personally love escape rooms because they allow students to review just as much material as a worksheet, but in a much more engaging way! It takes me several hours to create a digital escape room in a 360 image, so if you would like to use my no-prep French Halloween Escape Room, Click here to buy my French Halloween Escape Room!
Here are my tips for a successful French Halloween escape room day:
Students work in groups
Teacher acts as supporter and observer rather than source of knowledge
Students gain resilience by having to work through challenges, and figure out how to navigate the interactive escape room
In addition to the soft skills that escape rooms provide opportunities for, a French digital escape room also reinforces grammar. This beginner French Halloween Escape Room includes:
Analyzing 9 present tense verb endings, translating 5 simple sentences, a crossword puzzle that forces students to spell 14 of the top frequently used French words, a lock decoder with a French question, and a Google Slides video game where students identify the time on a clock that also reviews French numbers.
French Halloween Escape Room Clue 1!
Sample French review vocabulary in this French Halloween Escape Room includes:
lundi Monday
sais I don't know... je ne _______ pas
merci Thank you
quand When
trois Three
dix Ten
mot Word
avoir To have
il He
elle She
est Is
dans In
et And
ici Here
Watch this video to see a walkthrough of this French Halloween escape room!
Click here to buy the French Halloween Escape Room!
Check out my blog on how I use Latin Halloween Escape Rooms here!